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Animal Welfare and 3Rs

  • Laborratte

    Lab rat in an animal facility at UZH. Picture: Frank Brüderli.

  • Labormaus

    Lab mouse in an animal facility at UZH. Picture: Frank Brüderli.

  • Mouse Rehoming Bernegger

    Former lab mice on their way to the new home. Picture: Judith Bernegger.

  • Rat Rehoming Bernegger

    Former lab rat on its way to the new home. Picture: Judith Bernegger.

Placement of former Laboratory Animals: The UZH Rehoming Project

The Rehoming-Project

Since 2018, laboratory animals, mainly small rodents such as rats and mice, have been adopted into the rehoming project and placed with private pet owners. The basis is a funding agreement between the Swiss Animal Protection SPA and the University of Zurich. The aim is to find suitable animals from animal experiments a new life in good places.

So far, hundreds of animals (mice, rats, rabbits and dogs) have been placed.

Infos for UZH Members

UZH / USZ employees can have their laboratory animals placed anonymously via the Office for Animal Welfare and 3R. All animal species but no genetically modified animals can be handed over.

Please contact the 3R Coordinator or animal welfare officer in good time. We will be happy to clarify whether your animals are suitable for the rehoming program and whether or what costs will be incurred for the placement. The office takes over the entire organization of the placement.


Would you like to adopt former lab animals?

Former laboratory animals such as rats, mice, rabbits or dogs are placed via the Swiss Animal Protection (SAP) after thorough examination and consultation with the new owners.

Former lab rats of the UZH or other Swiss universities are placed e.g. byClub der Rattenfreunde.

Rats and all other animal species can also be found viaadopt a pet.


If you work with animals at UZH, you need to clarify whether the private keeping of certain types of animals is accepted by your UZH animal facility before adopting them.

Weiterführende Informationen

The Rehoming Project is a collaboration with Swiss Animal Protection

Reports about the Rehoming Project

UZH Website on rehoming

STS Website on rehoming

20 Minuten Report about Rehoming in Switzerland

3RCC Report (March 2022)

RTS Clip "La 2e vie des animaux de laboratoire" (February 2022)

The "Tierreport 1/21 & 13/21" by SAP reports in written form and with a short video